Aerobic Fitness


Tuesday: 09:30 to 11:00 – Fowlmere Village Hall
Thursday: 9:30 to 11:00 – Royston Catholic Church Hall


Monday: 19:30 to 21:00 – Bassingbourn Primary School

50+ Fit for Life

Tuesday: 13:30 to 14:45 – Royston Methodist Church Hall
Thursday: 11:15 to 12:45 – Royston Catholic Church Hall 

Want to join us?

If you would like to join any of the classes, contact Paula Wright.
Tel: 01763 243884 or Mobile 07906 990858 

Paula J Wright 
Member of Register of Exercise Professionals



All classes (and 50+ classes especially) will be kept at a safe and comfortable number because of the specialist teaching involved. I continue to run two 50+ classes for those students wishing to do a slightly less strenuous workload, These classes will all concentrate, as before, on the key elements of improving muscle tone, with stretch and strength and weight-bearing exercises designed to help improve and build BONE DENSITY!!!!!
The multi-activity class I run provides an excellent level of fitness. I include as many different activities as possible throughout the year, working with weights, bands, speed-ropes, steps, poles, fit-balls and wobble boards. In some classes when it is possible I will continue to take the opportunity to power walk (if the weather allows – as it did throughout the last year, when we managed to do some brisk walking which helped improve our cardiovascular capacity). Please note: the Thursday morning 9.30am class will walk/run when possible but will finish a little later at approximately 11.15am.

Class duration:

Classes are timed at one and a half hours, which is the optimum time to exercise pre- and post-stretch!!! I must stress that all participants should ensure that they arrive on time and leave only after they have completed both the warm-up and cool-down exercises, plus all relevant stretches for their own health and safety. Failure to do so can result in muscle soreness and possible strains or tears.

The Team